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Out and About with Your Newborn Pram

by Emily Parks

Before you go any further, make sure you watch our video on installing your Newborn Insert Cushion here. The instructions are also in your Oscar Mx Instruction Manual.

An important tip: the string is part of the packaging. You need to remove this before fitting the Newborn Insert Cushion to your pram.

Why use the Edwards & Co Newborn Insert Cushion?

You can get out and about with your newborn if you add the Newborn Insert Cushion to your Oscar stroller. Otherwise, the Oscar stroller is only suitable from age six months. 

The Oscar Mx has a bucket seat, and the wedge behind the Newborn Insert Cushion fills the space to make it flat for newborns. We've designed it for the first 0-6months, but some parents use it longer or take it out earlier. But, again, this is where your judgement comes into play; you know your child best.

Once your baby has good head and neck control, you can use the main seat of the Oscar, either on its own or with a Luxe Liner added for extra comfort. 

Other options for your newborn's pram:

• Attach the Carry Cot or
• Avery Capsule

Here are some ways our customers are using the Newborn Insert Cushion:

From left to right: Submitted by Carla Watson; Nicole Fowler; Carla Watson; Lana Calder

Can I use the Newborn Insert Cushion in my Oscar g3 or Otto?

No, these prams are already "newborn ready" as the seat lays flat.  

Can I use the Newborn Insert Cushion with other accessories? 

Some parents choose to use the Newborn Insert Cushion with our Luxe Liner or Sleeping Bag; however, we recommend using a blanket from 0-6 months, switching to the other accessories when your baby has outgrown the Newborn Insert Cushion.

Does my baby have to be lying down when using the Newborn Insert Cushion?

You can find this information in your pram's Instruction Manual here.

Using the Oscar + Newborn Insert Cushion with the seat in the fully reclined position is recommended. 

A newborn baby will need to be lying flat in the fully reclined seat position. Once your baby has good head and neck control and seems to want to be sitting more upright, you can put the seat into a semi-reclined position. Or have the seat fully upright if you're happy with how your baby looks. If they fall asleep, we do recommend adjusting the seat unit, so it's fully reclined.
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