Edwards & Co Group Announces Acquisition of Cariboo Brand
Edwards & Co Group proudly announces the latest addition to its family with the recent acquisition of New Zealand brand, Cariboo.
Olive Wins Good Design Award 2023
The Olive, Our Single To Double Pram Recognised in Australia’s International Good Design Awards for Excellence in Design and Innovation.
Mark Named EY Entrepreneur of the Year™ 2023 Finalist
We are super proud to announce Mark, our founder, has been named EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2023 Finalist. The entrepreneurs from sixteen Kiwi businesses...
Road Testing Olive
Written by Genevieve Ali, mum of three (4 months, 2 years, 4 years) Quite honestly I'm not sure what we did without our Olive!...
Walking comfortably with your pram
How we push a stroller can help us feel more comfortable in our bodies. Below are some common parental complaints about body comfort while pushing...
Why we love Olive's Upper Adapters!
Edwards & Co have released their new double stroller called Olive, and with it comes a feature (other than being a double) that I am...
Difference between Oscar Mx and M2
Yay, we’re super excited to announce the new Oscar has arrived! Our bestselling stroller has received some great upgrades including increased weight capacity as well...
Olive FAQs
We are proud to introduce our Olive stroller, a single four-wheeler with second seat capability. She's small yet mighty! Read on as we answer your...