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Pram, Stroller, Buggy, Pushchair. What’s the difference?

by Emily Parks

We asked our social media community which word they typically use, and the results were overwhelmingly in favour of “pram”. 

Our Instagram community breakdown looked like:

• 72% say pram
• 12% say stroller
• 7% say buggy or pushchair

And Facebook was almost identical:

• 77% say pram
• 10% say stroller
• 7% pushchair
• 4% buggy

I always said pram up until a few years ago when I started working for Edwards & Co, then it was stroller. Even now, I find myself swapping between the two when I’m asking my little one to jump into the [insert word here]!

But it doesn’t end there

Up until this point, we assumed everyone was talking about the Oscar stroller – our three-wheel, all-terrain buggy (oops – there’s a new word!) Most people call this type of stroller a pram.

But then we asked, “what would you call Lucci? & Otto? Are these prams, too?”

Short answer, nope! They're a stroller.


Lucci and Otto is our compact/travel strollers that would be equivalent to an “umbrella stroller” (way more features of course, and you wouldn’t be throwing them away after your holiday!)

I hope we haven’t lost you with all the jargon; rest assured you can call your pram whatever you want, and we’ll probably understand what you’re talking about. 

What on earth is a Travel System?

A Travel System is a term we don’t really use anymore at Edwards & Co, we used to though. This is typically a stroller (I mean pram...) that can have a Carry Cot or Capsule attached to it.

A Carry Cot is the bassinet attachment for your pram.

You can click your Oscar Carry Cot directly into the Oscar stroller, without needing any adapters. If you want to click a capsule into your Oscar stroller, you will need to purchase the adapter.

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