Don't Rain On My Parade!
Winter can put a dampener on things, especially when you have little ones at home and the weather prevents you from going outside. Rain, wind and the risk of bugs can certainly make the short winter days seem long when you’re stuck inside.
We’ll be the first to admit rainy days are the perfect excuse to max out screen time. There’s nothing like a toddler absorbed in their favourite movie to give the parent staying home a much-needed break. But, we’re also here to encourage you to make the most of the great outdoors…rain, hail or shine!
Rainy days
You can purchase a rain cover for your Oscar Mx, Olive, Lucci or Otto – don’t let a few raindrops stop you from getting outside!
We’re sure you’re used to juggling everything with a baby in one hand so we’re confident in your ability to push your stroller with one and hold an umbrella in the other. The Oscar Mx is incredibly smooth to push and requires minimal effort, making a one-handed stroll no big deal.
The parcel tray (aka storage basket) is massive so there’s plenty of room to stow umbrellas, rain covers and jackets when the weather clears.
Windy, windy!
The Oscar Mx rain cover is lightweight and has fasteners for windy days. It's not fitted to the frame, this means it fits over your Mx whether in reverse or forward-facing, and can be used over the Carry Cot Mx a capsule.
Using the rain cover when it’s not rainy, but quite windy, will keep your little one comfortable whatever seat they’re in.
Your seasonal service reminder
One thing to consider when using your stroller in the rain (or at/near the beach) is the damaging effects of wet weather on the mechanical parts of your stroller. Corrosion on the stroller's metal is caused by water. The plating’s on the rivets and screws are designed to withstand short bursts of water, but don't cope with prolonged contact.
From our Servicing Guide:
- To prevent the metal components from rusting, wipe down your stroller frame after beach or rain use, especially when used in windy & exposed areas.
- Always store in a dry place.
- Do not store your stroller in a damp environment that is not well insulated (such as an unfinished basement or outdoor shed).
At the end of the day…
Some of us love to be outdoors no matter the weather and some families prefer indoor activities. No matter your style, don’t let the weather put you off getting outside with your kids at least a few days a week.
When the sillies hit and you’re all losing your marbles, buckle your child into their stroller and venture outside. Let them splash around in a few puddles and come home refreshed…and ready for a hot choccie!